Headed to Malacca last weekend with 2 of my ex-colleagues.. One of the main highlight for me, to have an overnight stay in Malacca was that I will be able to have some light food at the stall by the lane of Jalan Bunga Raya.
Right after our dinner at Coconut House@Jonker, we headed to Jalan Bunga Raya.
This is the lane, to head to the stall.
Just further in, there were 2 stalls, 1 on the left, and the other on the right. Having been here twice, it was only during this visit, I found out that these 2 are actually competitors. Initially I just thought they are the same, and just being run by 2 different teams... Aiya...
Now knowing the difference between the 2, I actually prefer the 1 on the right, which is run by the Hokkien family.
I am one that does not eat cockles, but somehow when I visit here, my brain automatically makes an exception, and ordered a plate. It was quickly brought to boil, and peel it open, dipped into the special sauce, ah... cockles couldn't taste any better.
Too bad they ran out of clams the other night..
The beancurd skin with meat paste was the guys' favorite, and ordered total 2 plates. It was really crunchy. The next plate we ordered was with fishcake.
The sotong kangkung also tasted good. It was their special sauce that made everything tasted so good.
From its menu list, century egg is called 'telur hitam'... Ordered 1 to try, which I regret for not buying more to bring home..Their century egg tasted really good, without much of the strong odor of sulphur. Century is always taken with pickled ginger, to offset the odor. The pickled ginger tasted slightly sweet. Nice. .
The boss graciously walked in at around 9ish, taking over the sauce scooping role. He was like on auto pilot mode, and does it so smoothly. He mixed all the ingredients, a concoction of sweet sauce, chilli sauce, peanut, asam sauce, and other secret ingredient, which makes-up his famous secret sauce.
Took advantage of the fact that the boss was on chatty mood, and these was some of the facts I gathered. He would like to be addressed as Mr Cockle.. Hmmm. Since he said so.. Mr Cockle has been doing this business for 30 years, after he was caught in an accident where he lost his arms. He was a big lorry driver then. After not being able to continue to work as driver, he had to resolve to other occupation in his life...
He quoted "we have to think, and think, on what to do or rather what can be done. Don't be afraid to take the step". Little did he know then that this business he created would be 1 of the famous eatery in Malacca. He went through rounds of experimenting, before he finally came out with THE right sauce. He must be real proud, and I gather that things happen for a reason, and closing of one door, is opening of the other.
Also to note, Madam King, the local supermarket here has really special deal from time to time. If you are here, do detour to Madam King before or after you head to the stall.
Mr Cockle
(when you see Madam King on the right, go straight. Its the next lane on the right. Stall is located at the right)
Business Hours :
7pm-11.30pm (best to come 7.30pm onwards)
Sunday, at times close, and also dependent on weather
hey babe! I was in M'ka last weekend and just got home yesterday. Alor Gajah to be precise (but going again this coming weekend!)
Cannot believe the cockles only cost RM1.50!!! Must find some kawans to check out the place with me next weekend!
Hope all is great with you!
ps... I forgot to sign my real name! hahaha... Reggie (from Pat-lin) ya!
Hi Regine,
Oh, so this is you... Cool! ^-^
I don't usually eat cockles, so dunno the market price.. hehe..
Hope you have luck to try the clams as well...
And if since you are there, do also check out this lane before Madam King (this Mr Cockle lane is after Madam King), you will surely noticed a man selling fried egg with oyster. That is really really good too!! This stall is all the time surrounded by customers waiting for their order. Good luck in that too....
Have a great trip in Malacca..