Met up with SK, whom I was real close to, during my days at NM. Its been a year plus since we last met.
Based on where's convenient for the both of us, we met at Strawberry Field at PJ, States, last 2 Fridays.
I've been here few times in the past, mainly to have drinks, thus on that night, we opted for cantonese fried kuey teow, and the tom yam mee hoon. Their food and drinks are reasonably priced here.
The cantonese fried kuey teow though nothing fantastic, the standard was on par with some of the 'dai chau' restaurants that I go to. The kuey teow fried till just nice, and thickness of the gravy was also just nice.
The tom yam mee hoon was really good. Just the smell of the tom yam when it was served made me drool. The soup was really good, cooked with sufficient spices, which makes it real aromatic. We really loved this. Tom yam is best eaten together with mee hoon, for the mee hoon could fully absorb the soup.
It was a lovely catch up. The close to 3 hours of catching up doesn't seem quite enough - SK, you better not be such workaholic, and spare me more of your time, ok?? *<>*
For an evening, in a cosy environment, with food and drink, the total bill came up to RM20.40. Where else to find such 'peng, leng, cheng' place? Keke....
Kafe Strawberry Fields
(behind OCBC bank, facing Menara MPPJ)
14 Jalan Tengah, PJ
Tel : 03-7960 1268
(My actual visit here : 091009. Total bill-RM20.40. Thanks SK for dinner)
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